Saturday, April 21, 2007

Reality is back with a vengeance!

Last week was such a tease - because I was on spring break, I was able to get on the computer and get my blog updated as well as many other computer "things" that I love to do. This week has been a totally different story. I feel like I haven't been able to keep up with 1/2 of the things I wanted to do.

But, at least I will get an entry in today - I'll worry about tomorrow.......later!

This week has been a step-back week for me in terms of my running. Tomorrow, I have signed up for a 10K run. I realised recently that I have never run in a 10K race. I've done 5Ks, 15Ks and a 1/2 marathon but no 10Ks. I decided it was time! My goal for the race is pretty much just to run it. My training has consisted of using a run:walk technique for any distance over 5 miles. So tomorrow, my main goal is going to be just running the entire distance and if I can keep my pace between 8:30 and 8:45 I will be happy!

Today is also going to be a busy day. My kids have their first T-ball game along with pictures and the league's opening ceremony. I was also asked to be an assistant coach so I have to be there for everything. The bad part is that we have to be at the field at 8:30 for the pictures and ceremony (also not sure when the ceremony is supposed to take place) and then our game isn't until noon. The head coach hasn't really given us any information about what the day is going to be like. I'm hoping that the pictures and the ceremony will be over early and that we will be able to leave and get some lunch before the game starts. They are also at different fields so regardless of what the timing is like, we will have to leave for another field after the ceremony. Nothing can ever be easy can it?!

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