Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Review of Wednesday & Plan for Thursday 4/17/08

Today was an excellent day! It started with a small drop on the scale. Then I met my friends for a run and we decided to do an "easy" 5 miler. Well, that didn't last long! The group started out with a pretty quick pace - after about a mile I told everybody that I didn't want to go as fast as they were running and was slowing down. Now, that usually has at least one person drop back with that person but not today (at least for a bit). I decided to just hang onto the back of the group and not push the pace but they were pulling away. Just about that time, Lori decided to drop back with me - it was nice to have a partner again! However, at about the 3 mile mark she started to pick it up again and I knew I was fighting a losing battle so I decided to just go with it. Shortly thereafter, Lori made the comment that she would love to pace the other 3 runners (they always seem to push the pace). I told her that I had given up on trying to have an easy run and that if she wanted to go we were going. As we passed the other 3, they made a comment to the affect: there go our speedy down hill runners. My comment back was, "I've given up on an easy pace so now it's time to go". At this point I was pissed and ran like it. We ended up running the 5 miles in 45 minutes flat. A 9 minute per mile pace may not sound super fast but we usually go at about 10 to 10:30 per mile so the increase was substantial. I will not be running that fast again tomorrow - I've had 2 hard days in a row and I need to start a bit of a taper for the marathon.

My eating has also been good today as was my lifting routine. I followed my plan - I ate according to plan AND lifted after work. It really feels good to be back in a groove!

1. Monthly: I will weigh 146# by 5/1/08
2. Weekly: I will weigh 148#, lift 2 times & run 5 times by 4/20/08

1. Fritatta
2. Smoothie
3. Turkey sandwich
4. Veggies & cc dip
5. Steak Fajitas
6. LL cheesecake

4-5 mile run with group

Thursday Goals:
1. I will run first thing in am.
2. I will drink 72 oz of water (freeze jug and then take to work)
3. I will follow my nutrition plan (take my snack & lunch to work)

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