Saturday, May 24, 2008

Saturday 5/24/08

I read something totally awesome on the LL website. The post was about putting a face to your Beast. What is the Beast you ask? The Beast is that little voice inside you that tells you: "go ahead and eat that crappy food - you've had a hard day and you deserve it!" I give into that Beast WAY TOO OFTEN!

Anyway, back to the post: it talks about how Coach David talks about putting a face to the Beast so that you have a picture in your mind when it calls. To me, that makes the Beast become concrete - something I can actually fight against - not an abstract concept that I just can't truly grasp. The person posting put a co-workers face to her Beast and obviously found motivation galore!

What does your Beast look like? I definitely have a face to mine now!!!

I had a great workout this morning! Got out and hit the trails first thing. If felt great to be back out there again. It was really tough but the weather was beautiful and the sunrise - awesome! We saw deer, squirrels, herons and rabbits. Part of the run was along a creek so we had the sun shining off the water and the wonderful sound of running water.

The run itself was slow and easy - most of us are either recovering from races last weekend or illnesses. We ran a touch over 7 miles and did it in a little under 1:30. I really didn't care how fast we went I just needed to get back out onto those trails. We are heading back out tomorrow too!

Nutrition has been good so far also. I stayed away from the donuts the kids had this morning and from the fries at lunch. I will also keep the rest of the day clean because my Beast now has a face and I WON'T let that face win!!!

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