Saturday, March 08, 2008

I did something new today!

I signed up for a 3 day pass at out local YMCA and exercised in their gym. We were supposed to run 18 miles out on the trails but the weather wasn't cooperating. We have had torrential downpours, hail and lots of wind. So, my friend Lori suggested I get the 3 day pass and we do a workout inside. We ran for an hour on the treadmill - I can't believe I actually lasted an hour because I despise running on a treadmill. However, it is different when you are running next to friends and can talk while you run.

Then after finishing a little over 6.5 miles on the treadmill we got on the stationary bikes. These were really cool because you had a computer screen in front of you and you actually raced a course and they are linked so Lori and I were on the same course at the same time. The other really cool aspects were the fact that the resistance changed with the change in elevation (we did a snowy mountain course), there is a gear shift and you have to actually steer the bike or you go "off the mountain". Overall it was a really good experience.

I'm planning on going back on Monday and trying to swim a bit - that should be interesting! I tried swimming a bit back in the summer and it really kicked my butt! Lorie told me she does 66 laps every Monday - I'm not sure if I'll do that many or even if I can do that many!

Speaking of swimming, biking and we were riding, Lori started talking about trying a 1/2 Ironman Triathlon and about me joining the Y. I would love to do both (especially after today's good experience), however, it isn't in the finances right now pus it just doesn't make sense to join now because we will be joining our other pool in the summer. I am hoping to be able to join once the fall comes around and the kids get into school. I think both kids will be in full day programs next year and it would give me a great opportunity to hit the gym in the afternoon. If that happens I would love to try and find a triathlon next spring!

First things first - I have a trail marathon to get ready for. We aren't going to be able to get out on the trails this weekend but I am hoping to get at least 13 miles in tomorrow (more if time allows and if the wind allows). Tomorrow will also be tough because we move the clocks ahead 1 hour so we lose an hour of sleep. Such as life when your a runner I guess - Happy running!!

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