Monday, November 12, 2007

It's Time! get moving again!

I'm starting my new fitness program this morning and so far it's going well. I got up and lifted this morning for the first time in............a very long time. I stopped lifting a while back because of some tendinitis in my arm and then the marathon training kicked into high gear and I didn't want to risk injury so I just left it out of the program. I have been really missing it and I know my abs have suffered so back into the program it goes!

I'm going to use the Afterburn program. I looks nice and easy and then you actually do one of the sessions and realize just how hard it is!!! It called for 3 sets and I could only do 2 and I'm so shaky right now that I have to keep going back to fix my typing mistakes. I am going to be so sore and love every minute of it.

I'm also going to be watching my eating much more closely and get back to logging on LL. I have strayed so far off the healthy eating process that it is really sad. For the most part, I've maintained my weight because of all the running I was doing. However, this past week (while I've been giving my body a much needed rest) I've maintained the poor eating and not had any exercising to burn it off and I can really feel the decline.

In addition to the lifting, I am going to add some running back into the routine. I think my body is sufficiently recovered and I REALLY missing running with the group. My plan is to lift 3 times per week and try to run 3-4 times. If I run 4 times I will probably end up running and lifting on Wednesday which means running in the am and lifting after work. I know it will be a challenge but I really want to get back into the groove.

Off to the shower!

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