I have really fallen off on my Blogging and my journal writing. Truth is, many things have fallen off lately and I'm hoping to rectify that starting now.
About a month ago, I ran in the Lower Potomac River Marathon and tried to qualify for Boston. We (my training partners) trained really hard and had to deal with some pretty crappy weather this past winter. However, I thought I had a chance to reach my goal of 3:50:59. To make a long story short, I didn't make it because I got a stomach but during the race - I thought I was having a problem with the heat but it turned out to be much worse. During the race every muscle from my butt down was cramping. The stomach problems didn't start until after the race was over and I was on my way home. I ended up losing 10 pounds because I didn't eat for 2.5 days (unfortunately I gained it all back).
The other problem I have is that I developed plantar fascitis during the training process. It is not going away very quickly either. At this point, I'm only running 2 to 3 days per week and not going over 5 miles. It has improved but I'm really anxious for it to be all healed. I think I've forgotten what it is like to not have foot pain after my runs.
Hopefully this will be the first of a consistent string of posts. I really need to get back into my groove. I did go out a buy a bunch of fruit today at the farmer's market and plan to cut it all up tomorrow. I love having fresh fruit salad available all the time. Maybe it's the spark I need to get the whole thing rolling again.
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