Sunday, April 25, 2010

I Choose Challenge (Day 7 - 4/25/10)

Today was a really good day! I got up this morning and did my Cardio Coach version 7 session and it was awesome. What a great mix of longer intervals, speed intervals and hill intervals. I TOTALLY soaked the towel I brought for sweat.

I am loving the bike workouts but I am really missing my runs and running buddies. I really think my gym classes are the biggest problem with my foot. I have 3 more weeks of classes and then I will be away from that silly floor for a few months. I REALLY hope that will speed the healing process.

Tomorrow is a lifting day. I'm also thinking that I need to vary my bike rides. I don't know if I want to just keep switching Cardio Coach programs or if I just want to add in some steady rides. The weather isn't looking good for the next couple of days so I think I definitely be on the bike for any cardio. I guess I'll just play it by ear for now. Tomorrow is also my measurement day so I'll be rechecking all my circumferences and such. Hopefully I will be happy with the results!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Been a rough few days!

I woke up Thursday morning (2am) and felt awful. My whole body ached and my stomach was somewhat upset. As a result I have not exercised since Wednesday (which was a great lifting and CV workout) but I have dropped my weight to 153.5. The really bad part is that about a day after I got sick, my hubby got it too!!

I have felt pretty good today so my plan is to do a bike workout tomorrow in the am. I want to do the Cardio Coach version 7 workout. I've started it twice and have run out of time both times. I haven't gotten past the 1st challenge yet.

Hopefully tomorrow I will have more detail to write about.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

"I Choose Challenge" - 4/18/10

Today has been a pretty good day! My eating was really good up until dinner (poor planning on my part). The good part is that I didn't allow that to mess up the rest of my evening!!!

I did not get an exercise session in though - my son was up sick (again) a number of times overnight and I just didn't have the energy to get moving first thing this am. We then had a fun and busy day at the Wilmington Blue Rocks game. My son got to run out on the field with the players for the National Anthem and then after the game he got to run around the bases. Our seats were great (right behind the 1st base dugout). The Rocks lost the game but it was a great time!!

Probably the best part was when I ran into my cousin that I haven't seen in 9 1/2 years!!! Yes, I said years - I didn't even recognize her. She was a young girl the last time I saw her. I'm hoping to keep in better contact with her now that I know she is in the area.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 2 (4/17/10)

I got up this morning and did my Cardio Coach Version 8 program this morning. It is a good workout! Some of the intervals are much longer than on his other programs - it was a nice change of pace. I really enjoy doing his programs! I also don't know what I would do if I didn't have these programs (because of my foot).

I've done pretty well with my eating today - not perfect but pretty good. I had a number of opportunities where I could have had a lot of junk but I kept things pretty clean. My daughter had a soccer game and my son had a baseball game - both sites had concession stands and I stayed away. I took a look once but walked away.

Tomorrow I need to take some measurements and finish my fruit salad (if I don't do that part tonight). We are also going to a baseball game (my son and his team are getting a chance to run out onto the field with the players) so I will again be tempted with the dreaded concession stand!!!

Other things I want to accomplish in the next few days:
  1. Make a vision board.
  2. Make some menus (3-4 weeks worth).
  3. Go food shopping.
  4. Set goals for both my fitness and my running (although I realize this will need to be modified).
  5. Write my "Why" - this is always something I really struggle with. I never seem to find that fire/spark that excites me whenever I think about it.
That's a lot to take care of over the next few days! Off to try to work on some of the above and watch my Phillies!

Friday, April 16, 2010

It's Been a Long Time!

I have really fallen off on my Blogging and my journal writing. Truth is, many things have fallen off lately and I'm hoping to rectify that starting now.

About a month ago, I ran in the Lower Potomac River Marathon and tried to qualify for Boston. We (my training partners) trained really hard and had to deal with some pretty crappy weather this past winter. However, I thought I had a chance to reach my goal of 3:50:59. To make a long story short, I didn't make it because I got a stomach but during the race - I thought I was having a problem with the heat but it turned out to be much worse. During the race every muscle from my butt down was cramping. The stomach problems didn't start until after the race was over and I was on my way home. I ended up losing 10 pounds because I didn't eat for 2.5 days (unfortunately I gained it all back).

The other problem I have is that I developed plantar fascitis during the training process. It is not going away very quickly either. At this point, I'm only running 2 to 3 days per week and not going over 5 miles. It has improved but I'm really anxious for it to be all healed. I think I've forgotten what it is like to not have foot pain after my runs.

Hopefully this will be the first of a consistent string of posts. I really need to get back into my groove. I did go out a buy a bunch of fruit today at the farmer's market and plan to cut it all up tomorrow. I love having fresh fruit salad available all the time. Maybe it's the spark I need to get the whole thing rolling again.