Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tomorrow is the Big Day!

Tomorrow I start my LLE 1.0 program! I have been chomping at the bit for the past week. I'm really excited to start this journey. I don't really know what to expect but I'm really looking forward to jumping in with both feet.

I've also started reading a very good book. It is called What To Say When You Talk to Your Self by Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D. It deals with using positive selt-talk. It is a step beyond positive thinking. The basic idea is that not only do you need to eliminate the negative behaviors and attitudes but because that then leaves a void you need to make sure you fill it with positive self-talk, behavior and attitudes. That is very simplified so I would highly recommend the book to all. It has already made me aware of many things that I was doing that I now know need to stop.

Things have been going really well the past week. My exercise has stayed steady and my whole mindset about my nutrition is different. There have been time, during the past week, where I've heard myself saying: "You have a few days before LLE starts, go ahead and have some junk!" That, my friends, is the feast beast talking!! Normally, I would have given in to that voice but not this week - I've actually kept that beast under wraps and have reduced my weight to 150 (started at 154).

I will update what my first day is like tomorrow.

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