Saturday, April 12, 2008

Runner's High!

We had a wonderful run this morning! The temperature was about 58 degrees at 4:30 am. I was able to run in shorts and a T-shirt for the first time this year. I've been in shorts this year but not shorts with a T-shirt. We felt great the whole run. It is so much easier when you don't have all the extra clothes on! We ran for about 2:30 hours without stopping. This may not sound all that amazing but we were running on some very hilly and some very challenging trails. 2:30 hours on the trails is NOT equal to 2:30 hours on the roads.

OK, we didn't run it at Bionic speed but it still felt great! We were able to cover about 14 miles and went for a total of 3:03 hours. During the last couple of miles we hit some pretty steep hills that were absolutely covered with crazy roots and rocks so we walked a bit more than we would have wanted but we just didn't feel safe on the hill.
I think I'm actually starting to feel better about the marathon. It is in 2 weekends and I'm still nervous about crossing the water but I'm not nearly as nervous about being able to cover the distance. I want to get another hilly trail run in tomorrow but I'm not sure if the timing is going to work out.
I'm also trying to make sure I get in at least 2 lifting sessions each week. I'm not necessarily going for heavy weights but I would like to make sure I get in at least those 2 sessions each week. I'm hoping that it will help me to drop some more of this weight.
Speaking of weight eating hasn't been great over the past week or so but it hasn't been horrendous either. I feel like I'm making some forward progress but I still have a way to go!

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