Saturday, May 24, 2008

Saturday 5/24/08

I read something totally awesome on the LL website. The post was about putting a face to your Beast. What is the Beast you ask? The Beast is that little voice inside you that tells you: "go ahead and eat that crappy food - you've had a hard day and you deserve it!" I give into that Beast WAY TOO OFTEN!

Anyway, back to the post: it talks about how Coach David talks about putting a face to the Beast so that you have a picture in your mind when it calls. To me, that makes the Beast become concrete - something I can actually fight against - not an abstract concept that I just can't truly grasp. The person posting put a co-workers face to her Beast and obviously found motivation galore!

What does your Beast look like? I definitely have a face to mine now!!!

I had a great workout this morning! Got out and hit the trails first thing. If felt great to be back out there again. It was really tough but the weather was beautiful and the sunrise - awesome! We saw deer, squirrels, herons and rabbits. Part of the run was along a creek so we had the sun shining off the water and the wonderful sound of running water.

The run itself was slow and easy - most of us are either recovering from races last weekend or illnesses. We ran a touch over 7 miles and did it in a little under 1:30. I really didn't care how fast we went I just needed to get back out onto those trails. We are heading back out tomorrow too!

Nutrition has been good so far also. I stayed away from the donuts the kids had this morning and from the fries at lunch. I will also keep the rest of the day clean because my Beast now has a face and I WON'T let that face win!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Race Results and a Long Week

This past Sunday was the Bell Supply 10 Miler that I've been training for. Last year I ran it in 1:16:00 and placed 3rd in my age group. Over the past year, I have logged many "slow" miles and not many "fast" ones. I've also put on probably a good 10 pounds. However, I still had a goal of running this year's race in a faster time and moving up in my age group win. Well, I'm proud to say that 1 of those goals was achieved and I came really close to the other one. I was unable to run the 10 miles in a faster time but I was able to complete it in 1:18:10. Even though I didn't reach my goal, I'm thrilled with the time. I left it all out on the course and I honestly don't think I would have been able to go any faster than I did!

The goal I did achieve: I was able to move up a place in my age group and ended up with a 2nd place trophy (see above). They are cute little bobble head trophies! I was also the 4th woman to finish and 23rd overall finisher.

The busy/long week stems from the fact that it is our last week of school with the kids. So, there are programs, trips, picnics and report cards. I still need to go in next week and clean up the room and take things off the walls and those sorts of things but at least there aren't any after hours planning etc. I'm really looking forward to having the summer off so that I can get my head straight. It has been a challenging year with my co-teacher and I'm looking forward to moving on to something new!

I have also been maintaining my running. I've been able to get in 1 lifting session (still need to finish 2 more by Sunday) and I've gone out for 2 runs. My legs were still pretty tight and tired on Tuesday but felt much better today. I'm hoping to get out for 5 miles tomorrow.

Time flies when your to our school picnic!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday 5/11/08

This was a really great weekend!

Saturday looked like it was going to be an awful day because of an insane schedule. We were supposed to have soccer pictures, soccer games and a birthday party that my dd was going to. As it turned out, the rain we've had lately cancelled the pics and the games which lightened the load tremendously. Instead of running around all day long, we actually got a chance to sit and relax. The birthday party was also good because it turned out to be a drop-off type party. So, instead of sitting in a bowling alley for 3 hours I was able to go home and relax - again. That never happens!!!

My workout was also good on Saturday. Because of the supposed insane day, I stayed at home and ran (1 less hassle). I was able to cover 8 miles in a little over an hour. Today's workout was also good. I met Cathy and we ran 10.6 miles in about 1:41:00. Not real fast but not real slow. Overall a good weekend of running! Next Sunday is my 10 miler and I really want to try and beat my time from last year so I probably won't run on Saturday. My schedule is also up in the air for this week because dh will be working some more overtime and the weather forecast is a bit iffy.

I also had a great Mother's Day! My dd tried to give me breakfast in bed - unfortunately, she put cereal in a bowl (with the milk) at about 6 am and I didn't get home until about 7:45 am. Needless to say, it was a bit soggy! However, I loved the thought and the effort. The kids made me some beautiful crafts and my dh bought me some Techwick running shirts - love that material. It's from EMS at it is absolutely awesome!

Total Different Topic!
I was reading a post by IronWil and she posted something right on the mark for me. Here is a section from her post:

I'm learning that habits, good or bad, are pretty powerful things. They're so powerful in fact, I've recently come to admit that some of mine have involved behaviors I didn't even enjoy, but simply felt compelled to repeat regardless of knowing I'd just feel like crap in the end. From oversleeping to letting people regularly waste my time, my actions and interactions weren't benefiting me at all, and I only felt regret and anger with myself for allowing them to continue. Problem was, however, I didn't know how to make myself stop.

I spent a lot of time and energy trying to find the big cause... that subconscious, psychological need now manifesting itself as said habits, but you know what? I finally just woke up and realized they were all just simple practiced actions, and like all animals, I'd been trained.

The comments that I've put in bold really jumped out at me. Many of my poor food choices are just unhelpful habits that I have felt compelled to repeat over and over again. I then also go through that painful experience of trying to figure out "WHY" I do these things to myself. I think I really just need to start "sucking-it-up" and work on breaking those habits. I know it won't be easy but as they say: It takes 2 weeks to form a new habit. I need to start working on those new habits right away!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Triple Crown Race Report and other stuff

I'll admit it - I'm not going to get a race report typed in here. I am mentally and physically worn down from work and it just isn't worth trying to get it typed. Suffice it to say, I had an awesome time and I honestly believe that I WILL do it again next year. The official results are in:

Finish time: 5:51:46
87th Overall finisher
13th Female finisher
3rd in my age group (30-39)

I am thrilled with the results especially knowing that I walked a number of miles with a friend who was struggling. I could have had a better time but friends and safety are (and always will be) much more important!

This week has been crazy with work, kid activities and hubby working OT. I haven't gotten in much running but it's probably a good thing because of all the other types of stress recently. I'm still hoping for a good showing at the Bell Supply Ten Miler on the 18th!

I had a rude awakening of sorts last night. We had a school function and I get my nice shorts out to put on and they were TIGHT! I know that I'm heavier than I would like to be but those shorts were pretty darn loose last summer. This has prompted me to get off my horse and set some goals (they aren't necessarily finished and polished but it's a start). My transformation goal is to get down to 130 and 19% body fat. I may not maintain that weight but I will get there! I still need to work on some intermediate goals but they will be up soon too.

Gotta go!

Friday, May 02, 2008

I'm Working on a Write-up

I have it written but it is taking a while for me to type it onto the computer. Short version: the race was awesome and I definitely want to do it again next year! I finished in 5:51:46 and made it through the river without difficulty. The only problem I had was a small blister on my right foot - it really wasn't a bad blister, it was just under my toe nail so that was a bit of a problem. The good part was that it didn't bother me until after the race so things were good.

I was able to run 3 time this week (Tues - Thurs), for a total of 13 miles, but then really crashed last night. I even started to get a sore throat. As a result, I'm running tomorrow (weather seems like it is going to cooperate more on Saturday than on Sunday) and taking Sunday off. Hopefully, the extra rest day will be enough to keep me healthy.

I'm hoping to get back into a lifting routine next week but will let my body tell me if it is ready. I also want to start performing track workouts and am hoping my friend Cathy will want to do them with me again!

That's all for now - will post that write-up when it's finished!