Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thinking Positive


I woke up this morning after a 3rd night of not being able to sleep, I'm fighting a cold, my neck feels like it could spasm & it is that time of the month. I got myself out for my exercise, modified because of the above list, and decided something while I was out there. I need to decide to be positive. So here is the challenge: Decide to be positive all day.

1. The kids getting on your nerves - decide to be positive, many people want kids and can't have them.
2. Family (Parents, In-laws, Dh...) driving you nuts - decide to be positive, many people in this world are completely alone.
3. Falter on your program yesterday - decide to be positive, today is a new day and a fresh start.
4. Feeling bad about where you health is right now - decide to be positive, you are making a difference in you health each and every day.
5. Things at work driving you insane - decide to be positive, many people don't have jobs, money or a roof over their heads.

These are just a few. We all have things in our lives that get us down - Don't let it happen, BE POSITIVE TODAY!

Great quotes

I've been meaning to post these but life has been so crazy that I haven't gotten around to it. So, here they are in one big group (ok maybe not so big - LOL).

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
—J.K. Rowling (b. 1965), novelist
“Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable. ”
—Peter F. Drucker (1909-2005), writer, professor, management consultant
“The last of the human freedoms is to choose one's attitudes.”
—Victor Frankl (1905-1997), Holocaust survivor, neurologist, psychologist, author
These have all really given me things to think about. Especially that last one - we do choose what our attitudes are and will be. We don't have to be down in the dumps because of things going on around us. In fact, I posted something on a site I used to frequent a lot (and am getting back to more now) that deals with this topic and I think I'll go get it and post it because it is something that I need to re-read and keep reminding myself of.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday 2/17/08

“Who, being loved, is poor?”
—Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), poet, playwright, novelist
I haven't posted in a while but this quote definitely needed to go up - I love it! I think we all forget this way too often. We don't need more money and more things. Sometimes the simple things are all we need to be and feel fullfilled.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I'm Ready For A Break!

My legs are tired! In the past 4 days I've covered about 30 miles. So I'm going to take a break tomorrow - I may even sleep in a bit!!

I thought about taking today off but Lori was going to be out running with us and it has been a while since she has been able to make a weekday run so I decided to give it a try. I could tell pretty much right away that my legs were pretty darn tired. Then for some unknown reason, a couple of our group runners decided that they wanted to run fast. I say unknown reason because they kept saying how tired they were because the day before was so long and tiring. I stopped at 5 miles and when I took a look at our splits, the only mile that was over 10 m/m was the first one - all the others were faster. The other 3 runners decided to keep going after I stopped and I found out later that the next mile was done in like 7:50 m/m! I am SO glad I stopped at 5 - I kind of kicked myself for a second after I stopped but that faded quickly. Then to hear that time afterward.....boy did I make a GREAT decision!

So, I'll take tomorrow off and jump back into it on Thursday. I guess I am getting older because I haven't ever really experienced this before. I haven't even been lifting as much as I would like so it isn't that.

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and I've decided that for Lent I will be trying to clean up my eating. I seem to be able to control my eating better durning this period. It doesn't really make sense to me but I guess my promise to God means more to me than a promise to myself. There is something very wrong in that statement. Now, don't get me wrong, promises and covenants with God need to have that sort of priority but wouldn't you think you deserve to give yourself that same sort of respect and commitment?!?! Something else to keep working on I guess.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

February '08 Begins

January '08 ended with a fall and a fender-bender. Not really the way I expected the day to go. I went for a 6 mile run, on Thursday with a friend, and close to the end of our session I caught my toe on a big metal plate and went down. Luckily, all my experience in many different sports has taught me how to fall. As I went down, I rolled with it and as a result I didn't really get hurt - just a bit of a bump on my elbow. Then on my way to school, someone ran into the back of our van. Luckily, no one was really hurt and there was no damage to either car. I will say that my neck and upper back are a touch sore but it is all muscle related. After a day like this one I was really hoping for a better February!

February '08 began yesterday with a huge rainy downpour all day long - not the start I was looking for. However, February 2nd has started out wonderfully! We were planning on running trails this morning but with all the rain yesterday, we decided to stay on the streets. So, we met at 5:30 am (which is a better start time for me anyway) and off we went. The temperature was about 35 degrees so I decided to go with loose tights, a short sleeve shirt and nylon jacket and no gloves. About a mile or so into the run, I was beginning to think I had mad a mistake about the gloves. However, true to form, in about 5 more minutes I was really glad I had left them in the car. My layers ended up being a perfect choice!

We ran 10 miles in about 1:45 (about 10:30 pace). The distance was nice, the temperatures were good, the company was great and the sunrise was pretty. Overall, a great way to start the weekend. The best part though was the fact that I was able to get home in time to have breakfast with the family. Last week, Will asked my husband why I didn't want to have breakfast with them anymore - talk about breaking my heart! So, this week especially, it was very cool that I was able eat with them! Tomorrow, we are planning on doing another 10 miles - 20 miles on the weekend is not bad.

My mileage for January was just shy of 100 miles. I'm shooting for about 125 each month so I was pretty far short of that monthly goal. I know though, as the warmer weather comes around the miles will start to increase and I may be able to make up the difference.

The registration for the trail marathon that we want to run is now open so I will be registering for that soon. Lori also wants to run a marathon in March (the trail marathon is at the end of April). I don't know about that one yet - I want to look at it a bit before committing. The good thing is that they are both local (day trips) so the only real cost is the race itself.

Off to clean the house - did I say February was starting off well?!?!?!?!?!